Sunday, July 27, 2008

Who knew that this little boy (who seems to have borrowed Mickey Mouse's pants - no offense Dad, but I'm pretty sure you didn't dress yourself so you have nothing to worry about!) would grow up to have 9 children and 20 grandchildren (and counting). To think about the small beginnings of those that have gone before us is to think about the possibilities that lie ahead in our own lives. I am sure that the Paul Damron a top that horse, living in Provo would have never guessed that his daughter would be posting this photo on something called the "world-wide Web" for all the world to see. It truly is amazing the things that happen in a lifetime. Who knows what will come of the next sixty years?



Pamela said...

You're right!! He IS wearing Mickey Mouse's pants! But, what a cutie!

The Imperfect Pie said...

That's so cool! I love old pictures! Yes, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever either and I actually went running the other day and I thought of you--my thought was mostly, "Wow, now that I'm prego, I'm so slow that I don't think anyone could stand running with me anymore!" So maybe I could ride a bike or something while you run...? We'll figure something out!
