Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter with the Damron's

Happy Easter everyone!! The Damron Easter egg hunt was fairly successful with only one teary-eyed nephew. I would say we had a pretty good time (of course the goal is %100 happiness, but we do what we can). I learned a thing or two about my nieces and nephews. First off, Maya has great tree-limb balancing skills and it turns out you aren't supposed to climb trees with a cast (who knew?). Second, my nephew Alex is just a few months or so shy of a black belt. A black belt!!!! Which means I'm pretty sure right now I could hire him as a body guard and have nothing to worry about. He's got mad skills. I know, he showed me. Finally, I learned that no matter how many eggs you hide, thirteen children can clear a large yard in about fourteen seconds. Like a great big vacuum cleaner they cleared that yard of everything with that was colorful or sure to bring on a sugar rush(except for the eggs hidden in the eaves of the playhouse - but Ava and I took care of that). Yup, if missing persons were just always dressed in pastels with candy in their pockets, I'm pretty sure we could dispatch a team of little Damrons and find the poor soul in no time. But until then stay close to home (or if you do take to wandering wear pink and bring some fun sized packs of M&Ms) and Happy Easter!

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