Monday, March 23, 2009

Birthdays for all!

Well, it may not have been every one's birthday and it was a surprise party for Dad, who turned the big 7-o, but there were others celebrating a birthday in the general vicinity of March 21st.  (this auspicious date is actually Bach's birthday too, so we can add that to the list.  Rock on Bach!).  In addition to Dad, there's Maya, Sophia, Mom and David.    A good time was had by all.  There was lots of jumping on the Perez's trampoline.  Lots of flips, with varying degrees of awesomeness.  

There was tasty deserts, kite flying and sleeping (a Damron favorite)

And here's some more pictures with no segway: 


Anonymous said...

It makes it looks like our parties are all about bouncing and napping...but all the family found entertainment in vastly different ways from washing machine whirl to Mario Kart racing to kite flying. We're a crazy bunch!


Pamela said...

Wackadoodle fun. Love the mid-air pics. That's talent!