Friday, June 6, 2008

To Life! To Life! Le Chiem!

I really don't know what I have to complain about. Life is pretty sweet. Maya's baptism, Lola's new puppies. Here's to birth and rebirth, what a beautiful world we live in. It makes me think about the day I was baptized. It was such a simple choice, so obviously right and so comforting and warm in its rightness. I'm afraid the more I saw of this world the harder it was to find simple choices. I learned lots of good and bad things; I found out that heroes fall, history is neither perfect nor easily understood, and there is pain that can't be fixed with a band-aid and a good nap. That is why I think there is birth. Besides the obvious reasons of promoting life on the planet, I think God wants us to be reminded of perfection, beauty and hope. The moment anyone comes out of the waters of baptism they get to feel that feeling (albeit a little less messy) of rebirth, of starting out fresh and new. To see those tiny puppies in my hands made me remember some of this world's absolutes; love is real, God is real and beauty happens every day. So here's to an imperfect world that gives us such a great contrast to really see what is beautiful. And most of all, here's to Maya for making that simple and yet profound choice, and letting us all see one more moment of perfection. Love you sweetie.


1 comment:

Emily C. said...

AHHHHHHHH! Amy Damron you sneaky little thing! It took some sleuthing to figure out who left me that last post--so you are Amy Kyle now?! I can't wait to catch up on you through your blog! How the heck are ya? I'm about to have a baby any minute (well, I wish, but really 12 more days--you've seen our floating blog baby). I am a total blog addict. How can you not be when it gives you the opportunity to reconnect with such good old friends!